BIM means different things to different people and this lesson introduces the different meanings of the acronym BIM and the concept of the information model. The Course is composed of 4 number Lesson as follows:
Lesson 1. BIM,BIM, & BIM. This lesson introduces the concept and the different meanings of the acronym BIM and the concept of the information model;
Lesson 2. BIM Acronyms and Terminology. This lesson identifies the key acronym and terminology that have developed around Building information modelling;
Lesson 3. BIM Dimensions. This Lesson introduces the key BIM Dimensions and their meanings; and
Lesson 4. This lesson introduces highlights the issues relating to deliverables and process in determining a BIM workflow.
This course explains the development from the UK BIM Level 2 mandate to the International Standard for Information Management, IS0 19650. The Course is composed of 4 number Lesson which reflect the development of the UK BIM Level 2 proposals into the ISO 19650 series.
Lesson 1 UK BIM Level 2, This lesson explains the principles of the UK BIM Level 2 development from the HMG Mandate till the launch of ISO 19650
Lesson 2 BIM Acronyms and Terminology, This lesson identifies the International and European Standards that have developed around Building information modelling.
Lesson 3 UK BIM Framework, This lesson explains how the UK BIM Framework has developed and the implications for UK Construction.
Lesson 4 Measuring BIM Maturity, This lesson introduces further terminology in the form of the ‘BIM maturity levels’ and the multiple definitions available for use.